10 Sintomas Mais Comuns na Gravidez e Como Aliviá-los

10 Most Common Pregnancy Symptoms and How to Relieve Them

Pregnancy brings physical and emotional changes. Here are the 10 most common symptoms and how to deal with them to make this phase more comfortable. 

The Most Common Symptoms and Tips for Relief  

  1. Enjoy your mornings: Keep dry crackers by your bed and eat small portions throughout the day. 
  1. Fatigue: Prioritize rest and respect your body’s signals. 
  1. Heartburn: Avoid heavy meals before bed and opt for light foods. 
  1. Swelling: Stay hydrated and avoid staying in the same position for too long. 
  1. Mood swings: Talk to your partner or friends about your emotions. 
  1. Cramps: Do gentle stretches before bed. 
  1. Constipation: Include fiber and water in your diet. 
  1. Back pain: Use supportive pillows when sitting. 
  1. Skin blemishes: Use sunscreen daily. 
  1. Shortness of breath: Avoid excessive exercise and try to relax. 

When to see a doctor?  

If symptoms are severe or persist, talk to your obstetrician. 

Baby Bi Tip:  

Wear comfortable and comfortable maternity clothes to ease discomfort during the day. 

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